Happy Halloween & Congrats to all the Red Sox Fans!
I hope your day has gotten off to a good start! Today marks 171 days until the 2014 Boston Marathon. I kicked off my day with a first – an early morning training run.
Many of you might assume that I run in the morning. However, this girl is NOT an early bird. It is a struggle most days to drag myself out of bed & get my day started. I’m more of a night owl & usually save my runs for the PM hours, but lately I’ve found myself getting into a bad habit of skipping my evening runs. This is unnacceptable, so I decided to try “tricking” myself by starting a new AM running routine.
I’m not sure if it’s because today is Halloween, but so far, the trick is working. Last night, I acted as if it was the night before a race. I laid out my running gear & set my alarm for 5:00AM, an hour and a half earlier than my normal wake-up. (I made sure I had plently of time to get myself out of bed). When the alarm went off, I argued with my snooze button for about 30 minutes, but then (miraculously) I pulled off the covers & put my feet to the floor. I sleepwalked my way into the kitchen, guzzled some water & a sports gel, laced up my sneakers, put on my headphones, and headed out the door.
Mission Rise & Shine proved to be a success! I even had time to write this blog & head into work a few minutes early. I’m not sure how long I’ll be able to keep up this little AM routine, but for today – I think my trick deserves a treat – perhaps of the lunchtime French fries variety 🙂